moving on... (see....allowed to be weird tonight. hello, people. FULL MOON!)
Anyone that knows me...and/or can see a theme happening on this here blog knows that I have been borderline unnaturally obsessed with soups lately ("unnaturally" may be a smigg harsh...but we're just gonna roll with it). And you know...if THAT is my obsession, so be it....I'm thinking of 272 worse obsessions right now. I'm even writing them done just to prove my point later. Yes, soups. And how satisfying they are.
This one I made last night (and enjoyed just as much this night) was one of those "let's see what I got around the kitchen. and oh, hey! they actually go together" kind. Thee "oh my. totally forgot I threw that in the freezer" kind. I think you know what I'm talking about. if not...well........(insert witty comment here)
So. blah blah blah full moon. blah blah blah soup. Even inspired a friend to make a soup last night too. I just MENTIONED the words "I soaked and cooked some beans the night before" and "veggies"....he was sold pretty quickly. And then....dueling soups, made under the same beaming moon. I suppose it was kinda like dueling banjos. Actually, now that I think about it....not so much.
Moving on....
before the kale, seaweed, barley, and beans were added.
I'm really not going to do a fancypants ingredients lists and how-to's. 1) don't feel like it. plain and simple. 2) it's not that kind of soup. I mean OF COURSE there are various garnishes....I haven't gone completely crazy yet. Just...not dealing with rocket science here. Beans, veggies, barnacles....floating around in a watery tub. okay...that was a little weird. strike that, and don't even bother reversing it. What I MEANT to say is that... where in the Kitchen Sink, right?!?
These are the ingredients I used. Use 'em if you got 'em!!
half of a yellow onion
one sweet potato
kohl rabi
cucumber casserole filling (please don't ask. like I's amazing what you find in the freezer. blended with the rest surprisingly well, thank you very much!)
1 frozen "miscellaneous" pepper (not bell, yet not a crazy hot one either)
1 link of Field Roast's Mexican Chipotle Sausage (vegan. and so amazing!)
home-cooked beans
turmeric-enhanced barley
squirt of apple cider vinegar
potato and bean juice (meaning...somewhere in the middle of water and stock)
freshly ground black pepper
garnished with sesame seeds, nutritional yeast, and SRIARCHA!!
(those of you that don't know about Sriracha Cock dare you.)
and yeah. so....I was bragging about some after shots (or at least thinking about bragging). It seems that the blog device does not want to acknowledge the last set of images I imported onto the computer. They may appear at some point...they may not. Guess we'll see. Happy Full Moon!!